I assume that I can dream about reality's future Therefore I continue to believe that I have the right to exist beyond the given limitations of reality´s past. NSW
Monday, April 19, 2010
Does it matter if it is that way?
Even if I kissed him before I really really missed him would he then stay a while longer or promise to come back? Would the soft intensity of his touch feel the same?
Evermore will he be a part of me in every letter of the alphabet and inside every feeling that I experience and those who know how to listen will understand the same but it doesn’t matter if they know that is why my very first thought is the ticket to freedom(his or mine? I do not know . . .) and he doesn’t have to know that thought because what holds together our common invisible reality is the very answer of the unspoken question: Does it matter if it is that way?
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Do you think of me?
Will I? I will paint with my words a story and send it into the mechanical universe of the human mind(people call it the internet) trying to reach you but will you search for me? It comes in waves and it is always something new some call it “the”reason I call it a keyword, like a trembling leaf from the tech tree
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Det fanns en gång, det existerade ~¤
Inget behövde ersättas
Nattkylan och dörren är stängd
men ingen väntar i min säng
Vad borde jag sakna
och mig själv ännu en gång försaka?
Jag minns en gång då jag blev van vid
en annan kropps värme i min säng
jag minns också den mjuka omslutande
beröringen fingrar och armen runt min midja
den tysta omfamningen och vårens nyblommade
liljor i mina andetag och fukten i ängen efter
vårregnets tystnad . . .
Nattkylan och dörren var stängd
då med men jag kände bara solens värme
i mitt hjärta och allt var som en evig sång
Men en dag togs allt tillbaks och jag
jag saknade honom då men ändå inte
bara för några dagar kände jag denna
hjärterivande ensamhet och sen allt
återgick till det normala, som alltid
men ändå inte, för att det var en gång . . .
men jag hade inget som behövdes ersättas
och jag känner mig inte som utestängd i kylan
jag har köpt en elektrisk filt . . .
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The age of dragons passed by so fast(part 1)
Once upon a time they flew peacefully
through the skies of Taru
Dazzling Samu send them to Sanikstan
to guard the golden child
On their way to the Golden mountain of
Savious - Menti they had to fly through
the red sea where the white dragon(Venous)
fought the serpent.
The bloodbath turned the red sea to black
and Venous blood drops transformed
into stars
Sanou the purple dragon healed the white
dragon Venous and took him into the center
of Gaia where a winged lady filled them with
her love and strength and send them to the
guardian of the golden mountain Savious.
They went into the golden spiral and at the
exit they became angels and then took the
golden child in their arms and flew back to the black
sea with the stars(white dragons blood drops).
The child kissed a star and with the speed of
light Amore appeared, he smiled gently and
gave the child a pink rose when the child
touched the rose a butterfly appeared and
landed on the hand of the child.
The end of the dragons era became the
beginning of the Golden synagogue but the
butterfly still flies through the skies of Taru,
where time has no meaning because
everything is as it supposed to be...
*to be continued*
through the skies of Taru
Dazzling Samu send them to Sanikstan
to guard the golden child
On their way to the Golden mountain of
Savious - Menti they had to fly through
the red sea where the white dragon(Venous)
fought the serpent.
The bloodbath turned the red sea to black
and Venous blood drops transformed
into stars
Sanou the purple dragon healed the white
dragon Venous and took him into the center
of Gaia where a winged lady filled them with
her love and strength and send them to the
guardian of the golden mountain Savious.
They went into the golden spiral and at the
exit they became angels and then took the
golden child in their arms and flew back to the black
sea with the stars(white dragons blood drops).
The child kissed a star and with the speed of
light Amore appeared, he smiled gently and
gave the child a pink rose when the child
touched the rose a butterfly appeared and
landed on the hand of the child.
The end of the dragons era became the
beginning of the Golden synagogue but the
butterfly still flies through the skies of Taru,
where time has no meaning because
everything is as it supposed to be...
*to be continued*
Monday, April 12, 2010
Love and Lust change your luck *yet another fairytale* Part II
Sizzling fire oh sizzling fire will you allow this butterfly to pass through you? - Oh? I see . . . I will go ahead and ask the wind:)
HA HA HA! the mighty laughter of the echoing wind forced the flapping of the butterfly's wings to become more intense . I took a deep breath and gathered my strength: O you mighty giglish ticklish wind you ‘ve witnessed yourself what the fire answered. Will you please allow the butterfly to fly through the fire?
Yes, I heard what the fire implied and I can grant you your wish said the mighty wind with pain in his voice but ask her he continued why she dies out every time I leave her?
Uuuf this is getting more than serious (I thought to myself) can't they just let the poor butterfly pass through the fire? I can as well help the butterfly but I will have to kill the fire because I am water . . . and while I was listening to myself I felt how the atmosphere changed, I felt the strong magnetism and in the twinkling of
an eye and without further ado the Fire and the Wind became as One and transformed to the dragon of fire then the Dragon of fire said to me: One of us will die if we separate and that is why we are going to make the butterfly immune to the fire - to us - and the Dragon of fire blew a kiss to the butterfly and the butterfly came to be the soul of the birds of fire, the legendary phoenix. *to be continued*
Communicating with the elements
Sizzling fire oh sizzling fire will you allow this butterfly to pass through you? - Oh? I see . . . I will go ahead and ask the wind
Det imaginära kyskhets bälte
Tusen känslor bemästrar jag samtidigt
Tusen ord gömmer jag under sängen
Av tusen okyssta kyssar fylls mina drömmar av
Och ännu vägrar jag att bli en lust – knarkare
och i sömnen dreglandes pussar jag min kudde
men ingen ser mig . . .
Mähehe! Godmorgon på mig också.
Jag vägrar!*
Tusen känslor bemästrar jag samtidigt
Tusen ord gömmer jag under sängen
Av tusen okyssta kyssar fylls mina drömmar av
Och ännu vägrar jag att bli en lust – knarkare
och i sömnen dreglandes pussar jag min kudde
men ingen ser mig . . .
Mähehe! Godmorgon på mig också.
Jag vägrar!*
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I have stopped hugging my pillow every night
I don’t need it anymore and do I have to start seeking for other people that are seeking others for various reasons? No, I do not have to. Those are discoveries that I don’t want to be making or faking. When the time is right I will go out and search for the future builders and together find ways to improve our future by our everyday actions. That is it, I do not need to hug my pillow and I didn’t know that I don’t need to hug my pillow anymore until yesterday night when I signed an email and instead of writing my bed is calling my name I wrote my pillow is waiting to be hugged but while sending the email I realized that I do not hug my pillow anymore. As it is right now I am fine with that fact. I do not hug my pillow every night, I do not need that . . . I don't need to return to my "Isle of Inisfree"
Friday, April 02, 2010
Repeating the past is a luxury many of us cannot afford but still . . . luxury is not a status quo but a state of mind Your state of mind. Can society afford you or can you afford society’s overdue bills?
Everything changes while the notion of aesthetic perfection is the ruler of movement ruler of future decisions that affect the decision-making process of ¤T¤o¤-d¤a¤y
– until the concept of perfection dies out - our souls will keep starving and the non-existent future will still be our nourishment of choice. . .
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Wild is the untamed wind
*around me*
Like water snakes memories of exuberant happiness and unforgettable joy came back crawling underneath my skin and I forgot them . . .
*inside me*
Like water snakes memories of exuberant happiness and unforgettable joy came back crawling underneath my skin and I forgot them . . .
*inside me*
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