Sunday, October 30, 2011

Jakten är avslutad! *Hurra!Hurra!Hurra!*/ The hunt is over! * Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! *

An attempt to translate it and perhaps 'improve it'(from swedish to english, written 2008-07-25 kl 18:30 the original text(my text)can be found here )

Du kan inte fånga mig!
Flyg, spring, simma, gräv
upp eller ner?

Du kan inte fånga mig!
Leta genom horisonten
Titta omkring dig
Dyk in i de djupaste vatten
Gräv upp eller ner

Du kommer hitta bara en sak!
En GRAV eller ditt garv!

Ner eller upp! Söker du?
Ska du gräva ner dig i papper?
Eller . . .
Ska du gräva dig uppåt och
finna din väg.

Ingen kan ta vad som är ditt
för vad som är ditt är en del
av världen en oskiljaktig och
delaktig del av världen!

Om vad livet består!
Leta inte längre än din näsa!
Se vad som finns!
Känn vad som finns!
Vem är du?


You cannot catch me!
Fly, run, swim, dig!
Up or down?!

You cannot capture me!
Look through the horizon
Take a look around you
Dive into the deepest waters
Did you reach the bottom?
up or down?

You will find only one thing!
A GRAVE or a roar of laughter!

Your laughter.

Down or Up! Are you still searching?
Are you going to bury yourself in papers?
Or. . .
Are you going to dig your way up and
find your way?

Noone can take what is yours
because what is yours is a inseparable
integral part of the world!

The components of life itself?
Look no further

your nose!

See what's available!
Know what is available
and why! Who are you

Monday, October 24, 2011

Peppery Peepers

We are stealing (borrowing until further notice) apples & walnuts from each other’s yard. Shaken by the wind(fallen) apples & walnuts. We just need a peephole and with our tongue we tickle the delicious codling moth larvae that willingly comes out from the fruits, surrender. But we don’t stick our tongues inside walnuts, am sure you understand why, but anyway: three words - navel orangeworm larvae = crescent-shaped markings Oh! . . . and never stare at a navel orangeworm and shhh . . . .

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Feel the Gordian Knot

Using the intuitive sense of balance instead of judging could mean to genuinely interact with the ultimate reality while creating it

"Turn him to any cause of policy,
The Gordian Knot of it he will unloose,
Familiar as his garter" (Shakespeare, Henry V, Act 1 Scene 1. 45–47)