Thursday, May 29, 2014

Winged scarab

I am going to give you a kiss and see if you miss
the touch of our lips when your lips touch each other
while making the sound of the letter b when you say bye
bye for now 'Just for now' I will repeat
and while touching with the tip of my tongue my
soft palate forming the sound of the letter N my

eyes will get one more chance one last chance to
feel how you touch my soul how you make the
universe sing for me and what a great relief it will be
when I get to rest in your arms feel your embrace
listen to the beat of your heart slowly touch your
fingertips with mine and melancholically
give you a kiss on the cheek touch your hair
and leave without looking back but I am still
listening to the song of the universe I wonder if
you can hear it too while your eyes are being
touched painted by the morning sun

Sunday, May 11, 2014

6 Ariette, Op. 95: No. 1. Ombre amene – Mauro Giuliani

Irony.Pure irony & a sardonic grin.

It’s so easy to misplace affectionespecially when you find a safe place to exist in

so your mind can rest and your heart recover

But like my house keys I some times put them 
in a safe place so I wont lose them and when the time comes I forget where that safe place was Funny, isn't it? My safe place is even hidden from me Oh am I a danger to myself?

Perhaps it is easy to 
recall which place is the proper one to place my keys but   when it comes to me and it has always been so I remember what I taught myself and not what I am being taught. When I am present and not caught up in thoughts the safe place to place my keys is everywhere and of course where I chose it to be that given moment When the time comes I will remember exactly where I placed my keys last time. 

Not where I usually place my keys. As Paulo Coelho says 
“if you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it is lethal”

When life is an adventure the only thing you need to remember is to be present and when life is not an adventure you still have to be present otherwise you will adventure your well-being

Friday, May 09, 2014

Where did we go wrong?*Mono no aware?*

To know you doesn't mean to give you what you want
To know me doesn't mean to deny me what I feel I own
For you
To understand my needs is not to know what created them
To understand your needs I need to listen to your silence
When we are together
For us
To love myself I need to listen to my silence

before my silence devours me 

To love you means to listen to your silence
after you are gone and become whole again
Until next time

when I don’t give you what keeps making you happy
then believe that I don’t know you

oh how I wish you knew me but you can’t because I
keep becoming something new and you keep becoming
who you think you deserve to be

You and you alone

I can miraculously, just for you be the in full bloom cherry tree
on your iceberg 
and if you want to get a taste of me you ‘ve got to
first reach the top 
of your iceberg instead of trying to lift it up
while holding your breath

What about . . .
What makes you stronger is not always what you need To be stronger

doesn't mean to be in charge of yourself but to keep being compared
To be stronger than?

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

When you are weak('come, let's hug.')

Some times I need you
I need you to be weak for me
instead of me but in my presence
Some times I want you to react
verbalize my silenced first reaction
because I know better and I will think
further but I need you I want you to
become your inner first reaction so I
can fight for a better world for you
a place where the personification of
your, our intuitive reaction can live safely
untouched. When something beyond our
control happens react. Your reaction is
needed. Not because you alone will make a
difference but you will activate people like me
but beware as soon as you try to manipulate
the knowledge I just gave you You then represent
death and will be ignored, regarded as non existent.

Friday, May 02, 2014

Oh you spineless creature(not like Dido's dilemma?)

A sketch, a symbolic straight line & lots of empty inner space

A man wearing a tie a man in a suit ties me up no time to reach my arrow and shoot I can’t even pretend that I don’t give a hoot Yes I confess a bundle from heaven I once was and I can now grant entry to that heaven but who is that man wearing a tie what does he aim to achieve why is he wearing a suit and from how many of his hellish illusions do I have to pass through before I get to reach him touch him inside before I touch his skin and then keep his tie as a souvenir? Oh a weakling am I cause I saw a man in a suit wearing a tie oh my . . .

Dido's dilemma
"According to legend, Hiarbas, a king in the area near Carthage, agreed to let Dido buy as much land as she could cover with a bull's hide.

Dido then cut the hide into tiny strips, and with the strips surrounded a large area of land, which she called Byrsa, naming it from the hide of the bull (Bell, 164)"