Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hur skapar man förståelse?

Är jag manipulativ Om jag tar den som lyssnar genom min känslo och kronologisk korrekt tankeresa istället för att sammanfatta händelserna och färga dem med min uppfattningsförmåga?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

bear or Bare with me – whatever. Breaking the silence

Nowadays it is totally ok to laugh or cough in your sleeve

My tears are locked behind my eyelids
Eyes wide shut and I can hear feel what
is in store for me. But for you - Laugh if
it makes your day Scream if you want it
to stop Lure me or lull me I am not afraid
Find a reason to say goodbye and I will go
my merry way

. . . and when I am alone I can be silent so
very very silent and it feels ok and when
I am totally alone words are meaningless
without deliberateness So when I write oh
yes I do when I write I write to you You
empathetic superintelligent perfect creature
I am sure you understand and will not make
a big deal or fuss about it and of course you can
and will probably - I am sure. express the same
feelings but with different wording eh anyway
you get my drift

and something else . . . once upon a time I
thought that poetry – eh you know .and it
is pointless to repeat because we both think
that we are right. Ain’t that right?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ingen skillnad

Han ville känna sig nyförälskad
återbevisa sitt värde
och dra
Hon ville få älska
och ta med sig minnena