Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Dear bully, let's talk.

Thank you for giving me from your time, thank you for reading this letter. It might need some editing I will get back to it as soon as I can. Enjoy:)

Being proactive instead of experiencing the consequences
Doesn't mean that you never experienced the consequences
Even if it happen to someone else.

Who am I and why do I talk to you?

I create a reality, a reality that can become part of someone's worldview. Maybe you don't think that you are a bully and you don't need to feel bad about yourself while reading this letter. That is not my intention.

For example you might know(from others)about the things I have done or observed me or perhaps you have a tailor-made opinion for people like me and you don't need to know more when you feel that I somehow fit in the category you place me in your head but you don't know who I am do you feel that I do? Do I know who you are 24/7? Regardless don't dismiss my letter to you yet, please keep reading.

Even though to know how you feel about someone's action doesn't qualify you to have an opinion about who they are. Become aware though that you actually get a chance to understand who you will become when you execute the very same action you are judging and perhaps choose to become a better person make the world a better place to live in and who knows? You might unintentionally  become what others long for.

My beloved stranger as one stranger to another feel free to be who you are around me but don't bully me not because I warn you or because you hurt my feelings but because you will waste your precious time and I want you to grow stronger instead of being trapped while we interact while we interact or when you think of me I want you to feel safe being yourself regardless how it might look(to others).

 Always with love

Sunday, June 22, 2014

(((Summertime¤Sadness))) Part III

I was talking to the sun all along
while discovering my very own song
A way to find where I belong
In my hands I kept the seeds

With my mind I envisioned them in full bloom
My eyes stopped searching with eager fascination
for a way to synchronize my youtful inner emptiness
with the outer world

Oh sun and moon inside my heart
keep touching me even when I miss you
I will forever exist beyond the opposites
Be in two places at once Beautiful and Ugly

like you and you we will never feel alone
even while being observed and transform
to something else in the eyes of someone that
feels alone, that feels the need to belong with

the ones that seem to be able to survive maybe
under their protection he/she will keep making it
through the eternal night of conditioned fulness
struggling with the emptiness it brings

"...wrapped in her ever invisible robes..."
quote by unknown from the Book of Dzyan

Summertime sadness
transformed to
summertime gladness

but I will remember both of them
every time I see the summer rain

as a child the summer rain meant that I had to
stay in and not keep discovering what the world
has to offer

Now, every time it rains I smile and feel relief
no need to water my flower seeds and the plants
today Thanks to the rain! As I grow younger I learn
how to be a part of the world instead of just taking of
what it has to offer I do my part so for example the bees
the butterflies the insects the birds will find a place to rest
in my garden Find nourishment

I no longer need to search for beauty in others
I create beautiful moments together with others
We create moments instead of time creating us
-who we are right now- Old or Young


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

One day you were older than me (Part II)

I didn't know what beauty was 

because beauty was everywhere
but I was told that via comparison
you understand what beauty is
Someone for example told me oh how 
I love your skin my skin looked the same
once upon a time but now I am older
Oh I really love your skin lucky you!Ok 

I thought

to myself when the skin looks like that it is
something beautiful that I need to pay more
attention to and feel extra content with but
I LOVE and there is beauty in love To love
to be love aaah Anyway so one day that I felt
tired and needed a pick me up I start observing
my skin to my horror my skin didn't look exactly 
the same as it once was like like that day I learned
what beauty is

. . . to be continued

You will be older than me one day(Part I)

“It takes a very long time to become young.” ― Pablo Picasso

The toll of aging ain't that amazing but once you pass the bridge and within you settle in Your image in the mirror will no longer feel like the observing thoughts of first impression knowers and instinctive survivors that actually are scared predators

your past impressions, your apprehension of what your youthful beauty awoken in others Was not you| Your beauty didn't make you and is no longer valid Who are you when all of them close their eyes go to sleep the eternal sleep . . . Who are you Go back and remember the faces that admired you Were they happy all along or as soon as you entered the room and they lay their eyes on you they shined? Can you recall? Did they perhaps let you know how they miss the time they were young? Maybe they also remembered the people that admired their youthful beauty . . .

The toll of aging ain't that amazing but once you pass the bridge and within you settle in!