Wednesday, June 11, 2014

You will be older than me one day(Part I)

“It takes a very long time to become young.” ― Pablo Picasso

The toll of aging ain't that amazing but once you pass the bridge and within you settle in Your image in the mirror will no longer feel like the observing thoughts of first impression knowers and instinctive survivors that actually are scared predators

your past impressions, your apprehension of what your youthful beauty awoken in others Was not you| Your beauty didn't make you and is no longer valid Who are you when all of them close their eyes go to sleep the eternal sleep . . . Who are you Go back and remember the faces that admired you Were they happy all along or as soon as you entered the room and they lay their eyes on you they shined? Can you recall? Did they perhaps let you know how they miss the time they were young? Maybe they also remembered the people that admired their youthful beauty . . .

The toll of aging ain't that amazing but once you pass the bridge and within you settle in!

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